
In the CaringMeadow Tokenomics, LP providers play a central role. $CMT is mainly generated through a process called "stake NFT to earn" as it is the foundation of a fair launch. $CMT is the circulation tokens in game. The total supply is 21M.

Private Card : 1.176M

Liquidity: 924K, TGE100% when listed on DEX

LP rewards: 6.3M

Caring Foundation: 1.05M, Daily linear release over 24 months

CMT Dao: 1.05M, Daily linear release over 24 months

Technical support: 420K, Daily linear release over 24 months

General card: 10.08M

Initial Market Cap: 100K USDT

Initial Circulating: 200K $CMT

DEX: 100K USDT/ 200K $CMT

Listing Price: 0.5 USDT per $CMT

Last updated